Litteratur om Irland og Nordirland
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Bardon, Jonathan (1996): A Shorter Illustrated History of Ulster. Blackstaff Press, Belfast.
Barton, Brain (1996): A Pocket History of Ulster. O’Brien Press, Dublin.
Bell, J. Bowyer (1997): The Secret Army. The IRA, 3. ed. Transaction Publishers.
Bew, Paul, Peter Gibbon & Henry Patterson (1995): Northern Ireland 1921-1994. Political Forces and Social Classes. Serif, London.
Brown, Terence (2004): Ireland. A Social and Cultural History, 1922-2002, rev. ed. Harper Perennial.
Böss, Michael (1997): Den irske verden. Samlerens Forlag, København.
Connell, Joseph E.A. (2015): Dublin Rising, 1916. Wordwell Books, Dublin.
Connell, Joseph E.A. (2017): Michael Collins: Dublin 1916-22. Wordwell Books, Dublin.
Coogan, Tim Pat (1993): De Valera. Long Fellow, Long Shadow. Hutchinson, London.
Coogan, Tim Pat (1995): The IRA. Harper Collins, London.
Dickson, Tim & Michael D’Arcy (1995): Border Crossings. Developing Ireland’s Island Economy. Gill & Macmillan, Dublin.
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Elliott, Sydney & W.D. Flackes (1999): Northern Ireland. A Political Directory, 1968-1999. Blackstaff Press, Belfast.
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Foster, R.F. (1989): The Oxford Illustrated History of Ireland. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Harnden, Toby (1999): Bandit Country. The IRA & South Armagh. Hodder & Stoughton, London.
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Inglis, Tom (1987): Moral Monopoly. The Catholic Church in Irish Society. Gill & Macmillan, Dublin.
Jensen, Irene Allerslev (1996): Identity in a Changing World: New Irish Fiction. Systime, Aarhus.
Keogh, Dermot (1994): Twentieth-Century Ireland. Nation and State. Palgrave Macmillan, Dublin.
McAllister, Ian & Bernadette C. Hayes (2015): Conflict to Peace. Manchester University Press, Manchester.
McCrossan, Martin: The Story of Derry. City Walking Tours, dvd. Derry.
McKittrick, D., S. Kelters, B. Feeney & C. Thornton (1999): Lost Lives. Mainstream, Edinburgh.
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Petersen, Jan Nørgaard (1996): Irland. På godt og ondt. Novalis, København.
Purdon, Edward (2000): The Civil War 1922-23. Mercier Press, Cork & Dublin.
Quinlan, Carmel et al. (2016): How Women won the Vote. The Irish Times Books Limited, Dublin.
Rafferty, Oliver P. (2013): Irish Catholic Identities. Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Rasmussen, Finn (1983): Oprøret i Dublin 1916, speciale. Københavns Universitet.
Regan, Nell et al. (2015): Stories from the revolution 1912-1923. The Irish Times Books Limited, Dublin.
Rolston, Bill (1994): Drawing Support. Murals in the North of Ireland. Beyond the Pale Publications, Belfast.
Rolston, Bill (1995): Drawing Support 2. Murals of War and Peace. Beyond the Pale Publications, Belfast.
Sammon, Geoff (ed.) (1996): A Green and Orange Land. Aspects of Ireland. Systime, Aarhus.
Smyth, Patrick et al. (2015): 1912: Home Rule and Ulster’s Resistance. The Irish Times Books Limited, Dublin.
Taylor, Peter (1999): Loyalists. Bloomsbury, London.
Walker, Brian M. (1996): Dancing to History’s Tune. History, Myths and Politics in Ireland. Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast.
White, Timothy J. (20007): Catholicism and Nationalism in Ireland: From Fusion in the 19th Century to Separation in the 21st Century.
Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, vol. 4(1).