Tekst 45: Hvad skete der med den amerikanske drøm, 2014
Bernie Sanders (f. 1941) talte til Senatet den 10. april 2014. Det følgende er et uddrag af talen, hvori han adresserer den amerikanske drøms udfordringer i USA.
Fra sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/video-audio/what-happened-to-the-american-dream (ikke længere tilgængelig) og transskriberet i uddrag af forfatteren til Den amerikanske drøm. Talen kan også findes i en optagelse på YouTube.
Madam President. I hear more and more from people in my own state of Vermont, from people in fact all over the country via email, to my website. All wondering whether or not this great country is evolving into an oligarchic society. Historically is, I think, most people know The United State was the envy of the world for so many reasons. One of the reasons economically is that in our country there was always the belief that regardless of your income, your opportunity to move up the economic ladder there was the reality, not just the belief, but the reality that we had a great and expanding middle-class. That if your dad and your mom didn’t go to college, which was in fact the case in my family, you would have that opportunity to go to college. And move up the educational ladder, or the business ladder or professional field. And there was this feeling that economically what America was about and what we celebrated was the great middle-class. And I think people today both from an economic perspective and from a political perspective are beginning and in a very seriously way to question that reality. And what they are looking at is that today in our country we have the most unequal distributing of wealth and income of any major country on earth. And I think a lot of young people say well how can that be in England you have the queen of England, you have all the Lords and all the royalty and all over Europe. We don’t have that in the United States. Yet the truth is that over the years we have moved to a situation where in terms of wealth and income we are now the most unequal society of any major industrial nation on earth. […]
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