Brev fra David Brickner
Taget på adressen: http://www.jewsforjesus.org/about/forjewsforjesus/brickner.
August 1, 2003
It is hard to believe we have entered the 30th year of ministry for Jews For Jesus. In these 30 years over 800 people have served the Lord with this mission. Together we have talked to hundreds of thousands of people about the Lord, introduced thousands more to faith in Y’shua and had the gospel published for tens of millions to see. We have grown from a small tribe to an international team of highly dedicated missionaries with branches in 11 countries around the world. We’ve received credit (and blame) for all sorts of things we didn't do, from evangelizing worshippers at the Western Wall to introducing Dylan to Messiah! We have helped change the climate of opinion in the Jewish community concerning the person of Jesus. What an interesting adventure these past 30 years have been!
Many of you I know, but some I do not. To all, I want to express my deep gratitude for your service to the Lord. I have heard from many of you who have fond memories and great appreciation for the opportunity you had to serve and be part of what God has been doing through Jews for Jesus. Your letters have been a real blessing to me and to our staff.
I am also aware of a number who left dissatisfied or hurt over things that happened while you were a part of Jews for Jesus. To the extent I am able to help any who are dealing with such things, I want to do that. I am aware that there is a limit to what I can do but if those who wish to be reconciled will let me know who they are so I can hear your experiences I will do my best to try to make amends.
Our founder, Moishe Rosen, has acknowledged that and he also wants to hear from those who would like to be reconciled with him. Please take a moment to read his letter on this site.
We made plenty of mistakes along the way. In some cases we were doing the best we could for what we knew at the time. In other cases we allowed sinful attitudes like pride to infect our lives and our behaviors. If we had it to do over again there are many things we would no doubt do differently. But one thing is certain. We have always sensed that we should strive to be more for God, to reflect more faithfully His goodness and His grace. I hope we are closer to being the kind of people He wants us to be than we were; not just 30 years ago, but even last year, last month.
I pray that we can continue to be an encouragement and help to all of you who have served with us and I look forward to hearing from many in the days and weeks to come. Likewise, we would welcome your help and encouragement as well. For some of you, that could be letting us know of your prayers and good will.
We thought it might be a good thing if we could do something to encourage the 800 plus staff and alumni to stay in better touch with one another. So in the weeks ahead we will be supplying a link on this site for you to do so if you wish.
May God bless you, each one of you with the full measure of His love and grace.
Sincerely in Him,
David Brickner
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