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Lindsey om Antikrist

Hal Lindsey har siden udgivelsen af Late Great Planet Earth i 1970 hævdet, at Antikrist allerede var til stede og virksom på jorden. Han har gennem alle årerne igen og igen gentaget synspunktet og fastholdt, at nu var det kun et spørgsmål om meget kort tid, så ville det jødiske tempel blive genopbygget, bortrykkelsen af de kristne helgener finde sted og Antikrist i skikkelse af EU’s leder træde frem på jorden.

Uddraget er taget på adressenwww.cc-vw.org/articles/hallindsey.htm#FOOTNOTE.


As I wrote 10 years ago in The Late Great Planet Earth, I believe this man is alive today – alive and waiting to come forth… I believe this leader is alive somewhere in Europe; perhaps he is already a member of the EEC parliament. He will immediately rise to prominence in the EEC and from that post he will offer the world amazing solutions to all its complex and terrifying problems. Because of his superhuman powers and his solutions to the world’s conflicts, the anti-Christ will be chosen to lead the EEC. Heading up what will evolve into a 10-nation confederacy will be a man of such magnetism and power that he will become the greatest dictator the world has ever known… And he is alive today. There is a potential dictator waiting in the wings somewhere in Europe who will make Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin look like choir boys. Right now he is preparing to take his throne, inflaming his soul with visions of what he will be able to do for mankind with his grand schemes and revolutionary ideas… Is alive and well on planet Earth… Let’s go meet him.


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